Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lest I forget,

Lest I forget my humble beginnings,
Lest I forget my orphan status,
Lest I forget my American adoption,
Lest I forget my parent's sacrifice,
Lest I forget my night fevers,
Lest I forget my childhood fears,
Lest I forget my homecooked meals,
Lest I forget my safe, warm bed,
Lest I forget my doctor's visits,
Lest I forget my dental care,
Lest I forget my love for reading,
Lest I forget my nightly homework,
Lest I forget my expensive field trips,
Lest I forget my endless concerts, plays, choirs, youth events, camps, church functions, roller skating expeditions,
Lest I forget my telephone marathons,
Lest I forget my teenage drama,
Lest I forget my Mom's consolation,
Lest I forget my Dad's firm restraint,
Lest I forget my Christian upbringing,
Lest I forget my hearing the gospel,
Lest I forget my academic years,
Lest I forget my paying jobs,
Lest I forget my roommate antics,
Lest I forget my wayward ways,
Lest I forget my heart being drawn,
Lest I forget my peaceful solitude,
Lest I forget my dates with THE boy,
Lest I forget my receiving a ring,
Lest I forget my wedding day,
Lest I forget our apartment together
Lest I forget our Moody Church days,
Lest I forget our date nights out,
Lest I forget our first pregnancy test,
Lest I forget our 1st child, then #2, then #3,
Lest I forget our first home, then #2, then #3,
Lest I forget our friends and family,
Lest I forget our finding Calvary, then Grace,
Lest I forget our dear Pastor,
Lest I forget our Pastor's family,
Lest I forget our Pastor's passion and zeal for the inerrancy of scripture, sound doctrine and Lordship authority; and living it,
Lest I forget our spiritual growth,
Lest I forget our service opportunities,
Lest I forget our brothers and sisters in Christ,
Lest I forget our growth and maturity,
Lest I forget how wonderful the conviction of how far we have to go really is,
Lest I forget that in all of my complaining, grumbling, mumbling, bemoaning, clamorous, lamenting, bellyaching, bewailing, yelping, crabbing and otherwise, just downright sinful moments of my life...

There is HIS cross.

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