Friday, October 31, 2008

Earthly Reliefs--The Clymers

Definition of Earthly Reliefs: Earthly Reliefs are men and women (sometimes families, sometimes single) brought into believers' lives for the Proverbs 27:17 sharpening of a person for the glory of God. They help us breathe a little easier as we are called by our great God to travel and journey on this earth. While we are just pilgrims in a dusty and foreign land, Earthly Reliefs are the watering and feeding oases. In some ways, they minister to us and in some ways, we minister to them. But however God has called us to work on the privilege of becoming more Christlike--Earthly Reliefs are designed gifts from the Heavenly Father above to help sharpen and mold us into His image.

I'm starting a feature on my blog called Earthly Reliefs. In my life, God has brought me much needed rest from the burden of being in this natural, wretched casing called human flesh through the wonderful pleasure of having Earthly Reliefs. As with all articles on my blog, I'm hoping that this new section will help to display God's glory by showing how Earthly Reliefs have righteously influenced us toward the kingdom of God. I'm hoping that they will encourage any reader of this tiny blog to look for Earthly Reliefs in their own lives. Search for patterns and markers in the people around them that will lead them to seek and befriend these Earthly Reliefs, be mentored by them, mentor and minister to them, and with their Earthly Relief companions, desire the exact same godly image of Christ in every thought, word and deed. And in so doing, by the grace of God, will cling to them, appreciate them and emulate them as earthly models of heavenly godliness. Just as Paul wrote in I Corinthians 11:1--he called the church in Corinth to be like him because he imitated Christ. That's what Earthly Reliefs are. Imitators of Christ here on earth set before us to model and follow.... to diligently seek their friendship in every way, thereby surrounding yourself with godly models of Christ for His glory and His alone.

It is no great secret that this is my favorite part of blogging. Oft times, I feel a sense of obligation toward this project I have started--maintaining a blog. Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy sharing stories and silly poems, for the world to see...I'm just that type. But there are times when it's hard to tell who's running whom? I can blame most of that on the aforementioned babbling in my head that keeps me drawn toward blogging thoughts that I am grappling with by my lonesome. It helps to maintain a sense of chaotic order in this noggin' o' mine. But then there are times of great happiness and joy that come along, and my Earthly Relief section is one of them. Thus, this next family.

This is the Dave and Deb Clymer Family. At first glance, they look like an every day, all American family but the Lord has created them for far greater works than just being an average, ordinary family. They are extraordinary in every sense of the word.

I tried thinking of a verse to sum them up as I felt that was the only way to truly do this family the justice that is theirs to enjoy, by God's grace. There were a ton of verses on loving, serving, forgiving, etc., but none seemed to fully capture my feelings toward them. Then Luke 9:23 shot up like a flare--and that seemed most appropriate. "And He was saying to them all, If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me." Initially, I didn't link it to Evangelism Class, but as I am typing just now, I realize that it is one of our class outline verses and so it seems even more appropriate than when I began typing. And that neatest of all is that Dave is one of the godly trainers mentioned in a few of the posts about my beloved Evangelism Class.

These people are no frills, no fluff--walking the walk people. Denying themselves, their comforts, their wants, their desires, themselves in general, seems to be their every day m.o. So much so that you hear of the Clymers serving in ways that seem unimaginable to the rest of us. Notice I said that "you hear of." Meaning, they don't tell you about it. You have to hear from someone else. They're not the type to slip service into conversation--how much they've served, or when they serve, or where they serve. They just do it and don't talk about it--period. They don't complain, they don't gripe--they just serve. Honestly, I've never met a family like them, we're talking family here. Not just Dave or just Deb, but the whole crew. They care not for their conveniences or what they can gain for themselves, they only care for the lost and the Kingdom of God. I've never met a family so pure in heart. Yes, they have faults, sins and issues they battle, but God has worked in them so those battles do not ever detract from His glorious work in their lives... and isn't that the way it should be?

On a personal note, Deb went through chemotherapy for cancer a few years back. If you ever get the chance to sit and talk with her about it--please do! Please! I encourage you. You will leave with the type of steel encouragement that can only come from Deb's desire to see her King glorified in all things. Her testimony is one of faith and trust in God. The sanctifying process for her has been honest and open, wrought with heartache and trial and she has showed me personally what type of God she serves. She is slight in frame, but large on glorifying God. She is reserved in personality, but outgoing in love.

Her husband, Dave, is an amazing, faithful man, who loves God and knows scripture. He is a gentle, quiet soul that when faced with a persecuting and slanderous situation--roars like a lion on behalf of the righteous. He does not sway, swerve and/or compromise the truth and anything less would be unthinkable to him.

Together they are formidable. There are those who serve with the pomp and showiness of a praying Pharisee (Luke 18). The Clymers are the exact opposite. They are the tax collector who never lift their eyes toward heaven in demands of what they think they deserve. They are in a continual state of humility that truly shows us lesser Christians, how we ought to act, if we truly believe what we profess.

Why do I praise God for the Clymers? Because without them, I would have very few people in my life who show me how biblical servanthood ought to look. How desiring the walk in Christ, denying one's own flesh and daily taking a cross can be achieved for an average American family with an extraordinary faith.

I love you Clymers! Thank you for being such a huge blessing in our lives. :)

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