Monday, July 14, 2008

Is It Possible to Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?

Scott and I are living proof that it is possible. The caveat? There are a few. Let me explain.

Scott and I have grown up in church. We've grown up in homes that have professed Christ and while that has manifested itself in various ways, the bottom line is that we have been privileged to have such backgrounds. The challenging issue is that we also come with some preconceived notions about various doctrines of our faith. We tend to purport tradition or style as truth, instead of completely leaning on the entire word of God to guide and protect. We are old dogs acting out hypocritical tricks.

Enter our evangelism class. It is feeding us old pups some new Purina--the good stuff. Mainly, what the truth of the word says about evangelism, witnessing and living our lives for the God to which we are joyful slaves. We are extremely excited to be taking this evangelism class taught by our new trainer (Associate Pastor), Frank Judson. The Judson family have righteously influenced our lives in such an extreme way it would be hard to explain with mere words, but we are forever grateful that the Lord saw fit to bring such a precious family to us and it is impossible (not that we try very hard) to remember life without them.

In our first class, we were reminded of some amazing truths about what God's word teaches us; about who God is; who man is; and how we are completely free from any man-made restriction to share the truth of the word because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. I think the biggest doggy treat that we will treasure was when Frank taught from the handout about the many freedom from restrictions that we have to proclaiming the gospel message.

Let me share:

Based in Matthew 28:18-20--16

But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated.
When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful.
And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Vs. 18 contains unrestricted right through Jesus Christ.
Vs. 19 contains unrestricted scope and unrestricted access
Vs. 20 contains unrestricted age or spiritual protection.

The other freedom or unrestriction we have is from results. It is God that does the saving...not us. So we need not guilt, emote, beg, plead, manipulate, strong-arm, etc. anyone with methodology or tactics. Romans 1:16 states plainly and clearly that it is the word of God that holds the power...not gimmicks, tactics, eloquent speeches, heart-wrenching testimonies...but the word of God. Matthew 9:37-38 is very clear about who is Lord of the harvest. In fact, I'd like to take it one step further and proclaim that not only is it God who saves, but it is God who is sending the workers.

So a word to those who are being evangelized. Call upon the name of Jesus Christ for salvation from sin; believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and you will be saved (Romans 10:13.)

Those who are evangelizing. Be thankful that we are but workers in His field and we do not even go except the Lord sends us. That is how dependent we are on the Lord. (Look at vs. 38 carefully as it says who exactly sends the workers.) Therefore, we are completely and utterly free from anything, but being workers in His field. Lest we work in vain (I Cor. 3:12-15), let's pray that we work under His authority and calling and not go or "do" when not sent. I know people who work and toil all in the name of the Lord, but not under the authority of His complete word. What will become of their toiling in the day of judgement?


1) Truth muzzles
2) Godly trainer
3) Biblical treats
4) Daily walks
5) Sunday dog house meetings

These are the new doggy activities.

Well, to end on a light note--Scott and I are so excited for the next class already. We have much homework to do and are looking forward to it.

Stay tuned as you will hopefully see old dogs put off the old tricks and learn new biblical skills. We love the evangelism dog pound!


Nancy said...

YAY! You have a blog! Someone with as many words as my dear friend Keem NEEDS a blog. It sounds as though your evangelism class (aka dog pound) is blessing you immensely. Praise God!!

To answer the question, I would choose a dentist-free life, not because I hate the dentist per se, but because I am a homebody and it would be one less reason to leave!

Kim said...

Ha!! I love you Nancy! You are my first customer and how absolutely appropriate since you are my blogging idol (not to be confused with idle) of sorts. :) Love you!

Now, while I haven't made up my mind on my own random, mindless question....I am leaning toward your answer, Nancy (although a photo finish when it comes to being a homebody and anti-dentist) far.

C'mon people! Sway me! Sway me!

Nancy said...

Well, I have been a bit of a blogging idle as of late, so that is appropriate! I am so happy that one of my "old" friends has a blog. Yippee.