Acts 2:42-47: They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people, And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.
The Local Church Hotspot:
I decided to try out this new and unique vacation spot I had heard so much about lately. It was a little, cute, off-the-beaten path place My Local Church. I used to vacation with my family, as a child, at a similar resort, but this one looked interesting enough to fit my adult needs and besides, it was closer to home.Earlier in my 20's, I had contacted the owner of My Local Church. He owned quite a few fun places like the ones I was seeing now and I knew many who had visited His resorts. Even though He seemed happy to hear from me, I did most of the talking. It was a long conversation and I confessed to Him that I was desperate for some peace and relaxation. Although I could tell He wanted to share more about what I could find at these vacation resorts, I cut Him off because I had to go. Life was holding on the other line and I felt pressed to take the call.
But now, I was really interested in visiting. I had put it on hold for so long and I remember the deep sense of longing as I would pass by one of these hotspots. I had set in my mind that it would be soon.
It was a harder decision then I thought. All I really wanted was something that gave me a little rest and relaxation from the constant nagging of Daily Grind. I was surprised at the amount of variety one could find in the way of these types of destinations. From something called The Football Stadium, to The Running Errands Post, to Family Gatherings Resort--the choices seemed endless. Even under the headings of My Local Church, there were many to choose from. Some offered Many Path activities. Some advertised Storybook time and still others appeared to have Legalism as their main bill. But I chose My Local Church because it was low-key and that's what I needed. A place where I could get lost in thought and not have to be pulled in the millions of directions to which I was accustomed. I was tired, frazzled and dizzy from sleepless nights and endless worry about Life and its demands. I needed a weekly rest. My Local Church seemed just the perfect fit.
The location was perfect. Not too far away from my home as I needed to get there weekly. Daily sales calls to people trying to sell my thoughts, ideas and attitudes were exhausting and I was beginning to lose hope for any solace at all. It was very close to my home and I secretly thought that I could skip out and quickly get home if needed.
On the My Local Church website, there were various fun and exciting activities that you could choose to participate in...if you desired. There were activities called Morning Service, Sunday School and Evening Teachings. You could attend a Prayer Group--which looked like a serious, chat session. There was a Ministry Hut behind the main building. The Choir Practice wing looked soothing, although I was a little concerned about the time commitment that was required to reap the full benefits of such an activity.
All of it, though, was interesting to me. While most of the travel destinations required some type of standard equipment to bring...My Local Church required only a traveling guide, The Bible. The main hours were pretty regular, Sunday morning and evening; although some of the other lodges were open and closed at various times. I thought I'd check out more when I got there.
I was excited and on Saturday night, found it difficult to drift off to sleep because of all of the promise My Local Church seemed to offer. But after this past week of constant Life calls, I was exhausted and eventually slept soundly, reassuring myself that this would be the answer to all of my problems and heartaches.
Not wanting to arrive late, I laid out my belongings and The Bible on Saturday night, so when I awoke the next morning, I hurried to ready myself. The drive was comfortable and in no time I entered the parking lot a little early. There were a few smiling faces already arriving--sparkling children in tow. I was glad that I had dressed appropriately and thought myself to be off on the right foot.
As I entered the doors, I was greeted by friendly, joyful, relaxed people and was anxious to find out the quickest way to get what they had obviously found. I was led to a big hall where the instructions for the day would be given and how I could make the most of this hotspot.
The opening welcome was from Authority. The first thing I saw was he was finely dressed in knowledge and biblical application. There was an impressive suit of education, but what drew my attention was his Fruit of the Spirit shirt and his tie of commitment and endurance. I decided that after his presentation, I would make a point of talking with him. He exuded a confident love that immediately put me at ease. He was quick to share of the Sin and Remption functions and how everyone must participate in order to truly enjoy any of the other games and activities of the day. I half listened and found myself impatient for him to get to the reason that I was there. My ears soon perked as he started to get into the schedule of the day's activities.
He talked of the various cabins and easily flowed into what their descriptions were--something I had not bothered to read in the pamphlets. I began to feel a little uncomfortable at this point. Authority, although extremely gracious in his speech, started to talk of activities that I had not read about. The cabins that looked like they offered a plethora of activities for me, were now being billed as if I would be the one serving in them, not me being pampered and massaged. I was greatly disturbed.
He quickly spoke of the prestigious owner, Lordship, who was away, but would soon return. The high cost with which Lordship purchased this hotspot brought tears to my eyes as I remembered the conversation I had with Him previously. At this point, I squirmed. I had not had a conversation with Lordship since my 20's. While I viewed Authority on my level, just more knowledgeable and skilled, Lordship seemed to be in a completely different category and I was finding out that this resort that He had purchased was not about rest and was completely different. I realized that I had only read about the Hearing activities and completely skipped over the Doing. I was completely taken aback and kicked myself for not fully reading my traveling guide from start to finish before coming to this little-known hotspot. I thought to myself, "No wonder more people don't go here!" It was ludicrous to think that I, trying to find a place to rest and relax, would now have to tirelessly serve on my days off. Ludicrous!
I was getting to be annoyed with Authority and just when I thought I could sneak out and try a hotspot down the road, Many Ways To God Inn, Accountability and Counseling spoke with me. I was amazed. The amount of service they put in, yet the total joy and peace they had as they spoke intrigued me. They talked of how their quest to "get away from it all" had led them to call Lordship and He helped them find peace in the midst of their tangled lives. Their search had ended here. Lordship had purchased their vacation for them and 100% guaranteed their satisfaction. As I listened, I found I was nodding my head in agreement with what they were saying. What Lordship had done for them, I wanted. No longer did I feel annoyed, but I felt oddly drawn to what they wanted to enroll me in.
Accountability and Counseling accompanied me to the God's Glory Main Hall and there I found Authority waiting to review the travel companion with me. Though Lordship was still away, He was kind enough to talk to me over the telephone and I boldly asked Him for a paid vacation and the same guarantee as these others had done.
Before I knew it, I couldn't wait to shed the selfish beach shorts and Hawaiian wants shirt I had so carefully laid out the night before. I wanted the same uniform that Accountability was wearing and I asked Authority where I might get one. It wasn't long before I was meeting Sister-in-the-Lord and Servanthood and they were introducing me to Agape Love and Submission. I continued to struggle at first, but slowly I was shedding the Me clothes and putting on the Holiness uniform.
Now it's been a few years and I have been going faithfully to the My Local Church hotspot on a weekly basis and visiting the Ministry Hut and Serving Lodges throughout the week. Daily Grind no longer calls and Life seems to have changed completely in attitude and demands. I can't say that it's been easy and certainly if I had known all that was involved, I may not have made the trip at all. But Lordship knew all along what He wanted and what He was doing--even to the detail of finding the perfect hotspot location.
I now know that in all of my planning, in all of my sales calls and in all of my activities, Lordship had been right there with me--seeing, watching and guiding me to this life-changing vacation, My Local Church. I am daily looking forward to when Lordship returns and takes me along with everyone who vacations here to the ultimate vacation destination, Heaven. Until then, I daily invite Happy and Contented with me on my journeys and continue to desire to spend much time in the God's Glory Main Hall. This little, off-the-beaten path hotspot has changed my life. I have been forever changed at The Local Church and I am so thankful! (Shhh! Don't tell anyone, but I've secretly changed the name to My Favorite Hotspot.)
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