Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Formidable Journey

Come take a journey with me,
My partner and friend in what I see.
The view is wide and open in front,
making this journey a measureless hunt.

It starts with the scriptures, a traveling must.
The pure words of God--His personal touch.
Then open your heart to confess and believe
His Son, Jesus Christ--be sure to receive.

Next, take on your travels, a sound doctrine church.
The kind that plants not, in popular turf.
The kind that values the pure Holy word,
And rightly teaches in accuracy secured.

Take elders who guide and guard and protect,
Humble and soft and lack a stiff neck.
Then godly deacons, their hearts to pour out,
In ministry times, a sure-footed route.

Now comes the hardest part of the trip.
For some, this is where the travels might slip.
Authority, lordship and joy to be slaves,
Completely sold out to the One who has saved...

Those called by His voice as sheep in His fold,
We only hear Him and obey what we're told.
Not by our own strength or by our own might,
But caused by His Spirit, our eyes see the light.

And just as this journey seems too hard to take,
God sends His enabling, His power and sway.
Thus, armed and equipped with all the right things,
We soar through this life on eagle-like wings.

So off we travel, fulfilling our call,
Foremost in everything--love God with all.
Then loving our neighbor as ourselves,
And making a way for the gospel to tell.

This narrow pathway, wrought with hardship and trials,
Distractions and gas-guzzling obstacle miles.
But nothing can pluck or hinder or tear,
If glory to God be our highest affair.

(Dedicated to the glory of the Most High)

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