Definition of Earthly Reliefs: Earthly Reliefs are men and women (sometimes families, sometimes single) brought into believers' lives for the Proverbs 27:17 sharpening of a person for the glory of God. They help us breathe a little easier as we are called by our great God to travel and journey on this earth. While we are just pilgrims in a dusty and foreign land, Earthly Reliefs are the watering and feeding oases. In some ways, they minister to us and in some ways, we minister to them. But however God has called us to work on the privilege of becoming more Christlike--Earthly Reliefs are designed gifts from the Heavenly Father above to help sharpen and mold us into His image.
I'm starting a feature on my blog called Earthly Reliefs. In my life, God has brought me much needed rest from the burden of being in this natural, wretched casing called human flesh through the wonderful pleasure of having Earthly Reliefs. As with all articles on my blog, I'm hoping that this new section will help to display God's glory by showing how Earthly Reliefs have righteously influenced us toward the kingdom of God. I'm hoping that they will encourage any reader of this tiny blog to look for Earthly Reliefs in their own lives. Search for patterns and markers in the people around them that will lead them to seek and befriend these Earthly Reliefs, be mentored by them, mentor and minister to them, and with their Earthly Relief companions, desire the exact same godly image of Christ in every thought, word and deed. And in so doing, by the grace of God, will cling to them, appreciate them and emulate them as earthly models of heavenly godliness. Just as Paul wrote in I Corinthians 11:1--he called the church in Corinth to be like him because he imitated Christ. That's what Earthly Reliefs are. Imitators of Christ here on earth set before us to model and diligently seek their friendship in every way, thereby surrounding yourself with godly models of Christ for His glory and His alone.
I heart this part of blogging. Describing these Earthly Reliefs in black and white text has given me a huge opportunity to share the true depth and width of the gratitude of my heart toward God as He continually and richly blesses me. That's what true blessing has become to me as described in Malachi 3:10. I know it's refering to tithing here, but to me, Earthly Reliefs are far more precious and valuable than any fleeting, temporary benefit of actual paper money or even food (at times), though God continues to pour there also. Earthly Reliefs are the treasured blessings in direct porportion to God's goodness and mercy to whom He pours out on us unworthy types.
With that, I introduce to you our next Earthly Reliefs--Gustav and Nancy Hoyer. Now to be fair, anyone who knows these beloved must realize how hard it would be to try and blog a mere post about them. It is no small task. I tried to organize my thoughts, though, around what they would enjoy hearing about themselves--how they influence those around them for the kingdom of God.
Gustav and Nancy reside in the beautiful region of Southern California (thus, her posting signature "Nancy in SoCal"). They have 5 children--Nicholas, Gretchen, Lillian, Gabriel and Kurt. Their children are crazy smart (an endearing term now used liberally to describe really, really, really smart people). Posssibly the smartest children I know....all of them (well, minus Kurt, but there is a fair assumption made.) Nancy (who is crazy smart herself) is a homeschooling genius and one out of two resources that I turn to for continual guidance on all fronts. Gustav. Where do I start with him? He is the poster child for crazy smart. But beyond that he's a gifted teacher, composer, singer, pianist, recording artist, computer geek, cowboy, and all-around, saved, great guy. Did I mention he's smart too? My personal favorite is that they equally have a killer sense of humor that keeps their smarty, farty pants lifestyle in check.
Okay, by this time I'm sure they're thoroughly embarrassed, but that's not my intent. Those gifts, they all recognize, are directly from the Giver and Maker of all, so they boast not in themselves. So why did I give them this intro. Well, besides being accurate, I also wanted to set up the rest of this blog so you could potentially picture a more detailed view of some of the circumstances listed below. A view that will hopefully help you look for those in your own life that fulfill certain characteristics so that when you are gifted with the opportunity to learn and grow--you will learn and grow from those well-qualified. If you don't, then you have the potential hazard of being led astray.
So here's the part I think they'll appreciate. How have they influenced our tiny family for the kingdom of God? How has God displayed His glory before our very eyes, unbeknownst to them?
The first thing that comes to mind is the opposite reaction that the rich young ruler had as described in Mark 10. They are prepared to give everything away. And they have to us. The first time we lived here our car broke down and they loaned us their car for "as long as we needed it." We had known them for barely a monthy. The second time we lived here, we could not afford to carry a mortgage and have an apartment and yet, Scott wanted us here in CT with him (we had already been apart for about 6 weeks with no home sale in sight.) Enter the Hoyers. They were the first to offer us a place to stay. We lived in their home, drove their cars, ate their food, and played with their beloved (passed) pooch. It was the material goods that they treasured not. They only gave out of the well-spring of their hearts having been regenerated and changed into Christ's likeness. They gave no thought to their own comfort, their own way of life, their schedule and the inevitable disasters of having the Noble clumsies around. They sacrificially gave to our family, in our greatest time of need. So I do not point to the wonderful material sacrifices they gave (although great in number and value). They gave of their actual lives to allow us to be together as a family when we could not afford it. What kind of family does this outside of Christ?
Gustav, as a lovingly missed Elder of Grace Church is an incredibly gifted teacher and used his gifts by answering the many silly and milky questions of a newly saved christian (although at this time I still believed I had been saved all of my life.) He spent his valuable time mentoring and discipling me in the word and truths of God, including election, and for that I am eternally grateful. He challenged me to read through Romans and spent some time at night going over my questions. One particular exhausting (for him) but exhilarating (for me) night of discussion, I told him how much I appreciated him. He looked at me and with this ever-patient, godly expression, told me "Kim, there is no better way I would rather spend my time then going over the scriptures with you." You see--it's not that he sacrificed that time with me (although valued beyond description)--it was his heart attitude toward it. From his wellspring, he genuinely could say that he would rather go over scripture with a pathetic, dense soul like myself then doing the many other activities he so enjoyed, but probably missed while we lived with them.
Nancy, a gifted teacher, has used her gifts to influence me in such a way that is not the brash and harsh--get-it-right attitude that I deserve. She has chosen the kind, compassionate, enduring route that gently, patiently and faithfully leads me to spiritual matters of the heart and a genuine homeschool knowledge that can only be described as full and complete. When I think of Nancy and all she does and shares, I think of the Prov. 31 woman in verse 11 where it talks about her husband does not lack. That is how I feel about Nancy and I'm sure anyone who knows her would concur. When you are her friend, you lack nothing out of a godly friendship. You never lack a knowledgeable, godly conversation; a spiritually, heart-filled mentoring encouragement; or a good laugh. I have observed her when she speaks and you can see her mind working as she filters her words so that she is in line with what scripture teaches. She has mad writing skills and uses them for the eternal purpose of blogging and encouraging her family. If there is an earthly Titus 2 model--she would have a picture posted.
This amazing family has (and continues to) influence those around them for the kingdom of God. They are holy and righteous; combining their natural gifted smarts with a godly heart and desire for Christ. They make a formidable pair that anyone within their radar would be naturally attracted. I would imagine it gives them many opportunities to share the truth they know, just like in my case. I count them a great blessing in my life as they are the first family for me, personally, who showed that the very merciful and kindness of God has personally touched me with accurate and biblical preciseness.
Seek a family like this. Bug them like we do. They are rare and costly because Christ has positioned a very few with such talents and gifts to befriend us peasants. I always think were it not for the grace of God actively working in the Hoyers and their utter submission to Christ, we would not be a blip on their screen...that's how different we are.
How do you say thank you to a family that has literally modeled the true and complete Christian philosophy as spelled out by Paul in the New Testament. The only way to say it is--TO GOD BE THE GLORY...GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE!
Friday, September 5, 2008
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O.K., whoever these people are, I think I need to know them! :-)
You are way too kind, and my cheeks are red.
I love you, Kim.
I just want you to know that I've received more comments than ever before from people thanking me for blogging about you guys. :)
I love and MISS you all so much (we all do)!!!
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