Thursday, November 13, 2008

The End of An Era

It makes me so sad to type this. The end of an era (or at least 8 weeks) has come. Our beloved Evangelism Class is over with less of a bang than I thought. Because of unforeseen circumstances, we were not able to hold our last class (which would have been last night) where the dogs were let loose and would be encouraged to howl, bark and bay on the mean streets of West Hartford, sharing the true gospel message to anyone who would listen.

Recapping these last few weeks, there are many things to mention. The first is giving glory to God for the cross of Calvary. Without the sum total of all that the cross of Christ represents, this class would be moot at best.

Secondly, to say that I appreciate and am grateful for our godly hound dog trainers would be quite the understatement. Frank, an incredibly gifted teacher and loving pastor, formed a class that was thoughtful, intellectual, refreshing, challenging, humorous and unifying. My favorite part (although there were many) has to be when he took something like the word "gospel" and scripturally showed us where the unbiblical cliches were (i.e. personal savior, saved by a prayer, altar calls, etc.) His clear and precise manner in explaining imputation, atonement, true repentance, justification, and all of the heavyweight words that must be understood if we are to truly and deeply praise God for His saving work, was pure delight. There is something so personal about Frank. While he is intelligent, prepared and diligent in what he does; he does not lack in personable skills and it makes him easy to listen to and and easy to understand. Praise God for someone like Frank. Every church should have a "frank."

Then there is Dave. His training on the personhood of Jesus Christ was par excellence (accents are hard to type.) His accuracy and knowledge of scripture challenged me in areas that were much needed, starting with the laziness and distraction-filled weakness that I possess in studying the bible. He is so soft spoken, yet confident and bold in scripture, which gave him the perfect combination of a gifted teacher and expert conversationalist. Praise God for someone like Dave, whose godly training has helped me to fully appreciate the work and lordship of the master of all of us.

Each class we had was filled with delightful conversation and excellent exhortation. I hope that my pitiful summaries of what took place has inspired some of you out there to seek out such a class in your local area. While I readily admit that my experience in this class was unique because of the giftedness of the trainers; the lively discussion of my dogmates; and the hearts of servants like Lisa and Patria, who made the ambiance a learning environment, I would encourage everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ, so seek out such a class like this. A class that will revamp, gut and completely reshape what you thought evangelism was and will take old dogs like Scott and me, and teach us, not just old tricks, but true, eternal-value skills that will bring our Heavenly Father magnified glory.

I didn't think that this early on in my blogging career, I would be closing out a category so soon, but The Dog Pound jersey must be retired.

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me something that is so undeserved. Rubbing shoulders (or paws) with fellow dogsters that love and are committed to learning and serving and to learn how to accurately share the good news that could possibly bring those homeless and wandering strays into a forever home.

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